Soapy Goodness

Soapy Goodness

simple practices reconnecting to our wholeness…..while washing with SOAP! 

The powerful simplicity of SOAP cleans and nourishes our bodies while offering a moment to pause and reflect.  We spend a lot of time washing with soap, which also makes time to welcome a fresh start with a new attitude, mindset, and pure presence.

Every bar is made with really awesome juju inspired by the natural beauty of nature and its creatures.  Rooted in a strong belief that we all embody basic goodness, this thought and energy is infused into the creative process through music, dancing, meditation, or mantras.  Filled with wild hearted soapy goodness, I invite you to enjoy and savor the moments you spend getting dirty, playing in the lakes, rivers, and oceans, breathing in fresh clean air, and making sweet memories with the ones you love. What we use on, in, and around our bodies makes a difference to our well-being!

Small batch, cold process soaps are made with simple, natural, and beautiful ingredients – AND – with a big-hearted intention of cultivating wellness in mind, heart, body, and spirit.

Go ahead, spread the soapy goodness and human responsibly!

Born in the Rockies and made of the Sea,  this mountain mermaid welcomes you to Dancing Moon Atelier, the creative offerings of Coalesce Discovery Whole Health and Wellness. 

You will find soap and other wildcrafted creations with an exceptionally high content of goodness for your wellbeing!

Find the latest creations at:

Highlands Esthetics 800 S. La Cassia Dr. Boise ID 83705


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